Saturday, August 23, 2014

Wash Day

When I tell people it's wash day they laugh at me because they do not understand the time it takes to actually wash my hair. So I've decided to break down the process so you guys know I am not playing. I am natural and did a chop (not completely off) in January of 2012. My last straighten was in December of 2013 so down below is a comparison picture.

I try not to straighten too much because I was getting serious heat damage. When I do a length check my hair is probably mid shoulder-ish now and I am content with that considering my hair never grew that long with a perm. So here is my Wash day process:

1. Pre-poo with Olive oil+castor oil+coconut oil+ argon oil for 15 min (takes about 20 min to apply to hair in sections and  to de-tangle = 35min

2. Rinse out Pre-Poo

3. Shampoo hair in same sections using Carols Daughter® Black Vanilla Moisture and Shine Sulfate-Free Shampoo ( I like this shampoo because it's sulfate- free but still lathers up)
 =  20min

4. Apply Henna mixed with Indigo ( I use Chandani Henna but have used Jamila Henna in the past with same results) to same sections.

5.Wrap hair with saran wrap and sit under the dryer for an hour. Length of time depends on what I have to do for the day. Usually I leave it in for 5 hours with no heat + Henna takes about 5 hrs for the dye to actually release so I mix it the night before wash day.= total time 1.5 hrs to 5.5 hrs

6. Rinse out Henna and Indigo with cool water

7. Apply deep conditioner (Olive Oil Replenishing Pak- my third time using it and I love it because it leaves my hair feeling extremely moisturized and soft) for 30 min = time 45min

8. Style= time 30min - 3hr  depending on what I decide to do

Overall Wash day typically takes me anywhere from 3.5- 10 hours depending on what I got going on for the day and how lazy I want to be. FYI I just started taking care of my hair and as we all know everyone's hair is different so what works for me may not work for you. Hopefully you can pull something from all this and apply it to your routine. As always feel free to ask me questions.