Monday, July 21, 2014

Printed Pants 2014

So the other day I decided to bust out these printed Alfani pants I purchased from Macy's a while ago. I wanted to keep it simple so I paired it with a tank, a belt and of course my denim vest. I thought I'd share with you guys some other options as well. As a plus girl I try to stay away from any "too loud" prints that are just going to make me look huge. So here are my rules for wearing prints:

1. Buy the right size- going bigger does not mean it's going to hide the areas you’re trying to cover up. It actually makes you look bigger than you really are. I love anything that hugs my curves!

2. Go for flattering patterns- Stay away from prints with a lot of space in between them, especially horizontal stripes. Big prints and vertical stripes are more slimming. It’s important you pick a print that is proportionate to your shape.

3. Stay away from print on print- I decided to wear a solid tank on top. I know the trend right now is to wear matching prints on top and bottom or even 2 different prints, but from a Visual Merchandiser’s point of view, I find it chaotic. Don't get me wrong, some people can pull it off. I, unfortunately, am not one of those people. Prints draw attention so make sure you place it on the body part that you’re comfortable showing off.

4. Confidence is key!!- Like I said before not everything is for everybody so when you wear it... own it!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Belated 4th

Happy belated 4th everyone. Hope you all enjoyed yourself. Although the actual 4th of July was rained out I was able to exit the house the next day on the 5th for some BBQs. I decided to showcase my vintage Christian Dior belt I found while thrifting in Maryland. I'm really trying to expand my shopping pool because I have always been a Bloomingdale's shopper (because I worked there) so I'm trying to explore other stores. So here are some pics of what I wore yesterday. Most are just things I had in my closet from last year (yes I repeat clothes, I am not rich nor do I pretend to be). Details are on the bottom. What did you guys where? Email me pics- ... XOXO

Dress: Forever 21
Vest: Forever 21
Belt: Christian Dior from Thrift Shop/ Ebay
Bag: H&M

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hello Hello Hello!!!

So I decided to try this blogging thing again ( I gave up last time after one post). I am usually the go to person for my friends n family on fashion trends/ finds so why not share with everyone. A little info about myself to those who don't know me... My name is Major... Maj for short... I am from Long Island, NY but I've lived in White Plains, the Bronx, and Atlanta. To my friends I'm known as the nomad. I'm never afraid to get up and leave and start over. For some reason though, I always end up back here!!!! Yes I know, I'm working on that. Any way, within in the next coming year I have a lot of business ventures that I would like to get started so I'm sure I'll have a lot to share with you all very soon.

To sum up my style... in the words of TLC, I am "crazy, sexy, and cool." I feel that fashion is all about taking whats popular or not so popular but making it your own. Not everyone can pull off the same look so it's important that we know what does and doesn't work for us. I do believe that I'm at that age (26) where I know what I like and don't like. Don't get me wrong... I am still finding myself. I don't know where I'm going or who's coming with me... but you're welcome to watch.

Follow me on IG ---> Major_Fn_J

<3 Maj.